Village Panchayat of Tivrem-Orgao is situated in the Ponda Taluka of South Goa District. It has a population of 6372, with 3289 males and 3083 female population. The Panchayat Consist of 9 wards and has 09 elected representatives (Male 06, Female 03). There are 16 households of STs.
The panchayat has 5 primary schools, with an enrollment of 217 students. There are 4 AWC with 81 children. It has one river, 7 streams, no waterfall. There is one SHC centre. The distance between the SHC and the panchayat is 500 mts. The distance between the main hospital and Panchayat is 18 kms. The major source of income for the Panchayat is the house tax, fees and grant-in-aid, octroi, market auction and other grants
The aim of the situation analysis was :